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Our Services

Library ICT Services

Busitema University Library is a hub of contemporary resources and services, with extensive ICT capabilities. The E-learning Centre, located on the second level of the library, provides cutting-edge ICT amenities such as desktop Computers with Modern technology. After registering, students have access to a variety of digital tools and resources, as well as seamless connectivity to the Eduroam WiFi network. In addition, through its Computer Literacy Services, the library offers a tech-savvy environment, enabling skill development and digital competency. Our Library users can enjoy our ICT services through the following avenues;

Computer labs: The Busitema University Library has computer laboratories in the e-learning centre and the research commons. These labs are outfitted with computers and software required for academic and research purposes. Students can utilise these labs to access digital resources, conduct research, complete projects, and undertake other computer-related tasks.

Wi-Fi Access Points: There are Wi-Fi access points on every level of the library, including reading rooms and discussion rooms. Students can connect their computers, tablets, or mobile devices to the university's network, giving them access to the internet for online research, communication, and other educational purposes.

Power Outlets: Power outlets are located throughout the library and allow students to use their computers or other electronic devices while studying. It's worth noting that the sockets provided are of type G. If a student's adapter is not compatible with these sockets, the library offers a solution by providing adapters or extensions at the reference desk. This service ensures that students can keep their devices powered during their study sessions

library sockets


Computer Literacy Instructions; The Busitema University Library provides computer literacy teaching to individuals and groups upon request. This programme is useful for students who want to learn how to use specialised software, conduct internet research, or improve their overall digital skills. It can be customised to meet the needs of students at varying levels of expertise.

Individual Research Support

Engineering Library provides Research support on an Individual basis and this can be accesses via the following avenues;

One-on-One Consultations; Students can schedule individual research consultations with librarians or subject specialists. During these sessions, students can discuss their research topics, information needs, and any challenges they are facing. Librarians can provide tailored advice on research strategies, finding relevant sources, and using library resources effectively.

Personalized Guidance; Librarians provide assistance to  students in developing effective search strategies, refining research questions, and identifying appropriate databases, journals, and other resources for their research projects.
Citation and Reference Help; Students can also receive guidance on citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) and how to properly format their citations and references.

Digital information retrieval; Librarians can help students navigate the library's online catalog and digital databases, showing them how to conduct advanced searches and retrieve relevant materials.

Research Workshops; The library regulary organizes workshops and training sessions on various research-related topics, such as literature review techniques, academic writing, and reference management tools. These workshops offer students the opportunity to enhance their research skills.

Information and Reference Sevices
Get our reference sevices via the following avenues;

Reference Desk; Busitema University Library likely has a dedicated reference desk or service point where users can seek assistance in person. Librarians and library staff stationed at the reference desk are available to help users with their research inquiries, finding relevant resources, and navigating the library's collections.

Virtual Reference Services; To make reference assistance more accessible, the library offers virtual reference services, such as:

Email Support; Users can send research questions or inquiries via, and library staff will respond with guidance and relevant resources.

Chat Services: The library  has a chat service available on its website(Ask a Librarian) and its a dedicated chat platform. Users can chat with librarians in real-time to get immediate help.

Online Resources; The library's website provides online resources to assist users in their research endeavors

Research Guides; The library has created subject-specific research guides that offer recommendations for databases, journals, and other resources related to particular fields of study.

Library Hours;Typically, reference services are available during the library's operating hours. The libray is open from Monday to sunday

Personalized Research Consultations; For more in-depth research needs, library users can often schedule one-on-one consultations with librarians. During these consultations, librarians can provide tailored guidance and assistance for specific research projects.

Outreach and Workshops; The library regularly organize workshops and outreach programs to enhance information literacy skills amongour Students. These sessions can help users become more proficient in conducting research and utilizing library resources.

Online Catalog and Databases; Users can access the library's catalog at and digital databases to search for books, articles, and other materials relevant to their research. Librarians are always available to assist users in effectively searching and retrieving these resources.

Reference Management Support; The library may offer guidance on reference management tools and citation styles to help users properly cite their sources.

Information Litracy Instructions
What is Information Literacy?

Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning.

Information literacy is a cornerstone for lifelong learning. “To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information” and as Busitema University Library we exactly live for that in a bid to remain the distinctive signifiers of Excellence

Information Literacy Mission @ Busitema University

To promote excellence in education and training at Busitema University through a clearly defined path of Information Literacy e-curriculum that meets the needs of our students and reflects current trends in all professions - a path to an information literate graduate